As many folks may already know, Noah Purdy and I have been hard at work in 2013. Late in 2012, Noah, whom I had met after being hired to design an identity for his photography business, approached me to partner with him to create a magazine, quite simply about hard-working folks doing cool things here in our region. What at the time sounded like a simple enough task, was far from it as we grew more and more passionate about the project. To date, it is still continually snowballing to be more and more significant in scope - blossoming into a full fledged monster that far exceeds our original vision.
At this point, we are days away from launching some of our first online-exclusive content, and a little over a month away from launching the first full issue of our brand new magazine, Rustbelt Almanac. I wont go too into detail about what readers can expect from the magazine here on this blog, as such info will soon be plastered across the Rustbelt Almanac website. But I will say that the actual magazine is merely the flagship of a much larger project at this point. We've been working closely with some talented folks to produce great content across a variety of mediums, including a soon to launch podcast, video content, and hopefully, more face-to-face community engagement.
Rustbelt Almanac has very much come to embody the same themes the magazine aims to highlight. It is about collaboration, creating, and having passion for your work. Follow along with our progress on Twitter, Facebook, and on our blog.